We at The Stone Flower are committed to helping save lives. For the past few years we have donated to the ASPCA, AHS and SDF. We have tried to do more by involving our customer in our mission to help animals in need. By selling animal shaped ring holders and donating 100% of the proceeds to these charities.
We are launching another campaign to help save lives in need. Our cat/dog necklaces will show the world you care. 50% will go to help build and support model humane charities. The other 50% will be used to restock and help raise more money for our select charities.
We are very passionate about animal rescue and philanthropy in general. Our goal is to help as many animals as possible. Please take a look below to see different charities and rescues we are currently supporting. Thank you for your support.
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
ASPCA - American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Founded in 1866, the ASPCA was the first humane organization in the Western Hemisphere. Our mission, as stated by founder Henry Bergh, is “to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.” While there are SPCAs and humane societies all over the country, the ASPCA is not directly affiliated with them. However, the ASPCA works nationally to rescue animals from abuse pass humane laws and share resources with many shelters across the country. Read more >>
American Humane Society
The Humane Society of the United States is the nation’s largest animal protection organization, rated the most effective by its peers. Since 1954, The HSUS has been fighting for the protection of all animals through advocacy, education, and hands-on programs. We rescue and care for tens of thousands of animals each year, but our primary mission is to prevent cruelty before it occurs. We're there for all animals, across America and around the world. Read more >>
Soi Dog Foundation
Soi Dog Foundation is a not-for-profit, legally registered charitable organization in Thailand, the United States, Australia, the UK, France and Holland. Soi Dog helps the homeless, neglected and abused dogs and cats of Thailand. Our aim is to set an example for the Asian region on how to humanely reduce the number of unwanted dogs and cats through spaying and neutering, and to better the lives and living conditions of the stray dogs and feral cats of Asia. Read more >>

In 2013 Toby was found living on the street near a temple in Thailand. She was sick, starving and near death. Once captured and brought to the animal hospital it was discovered that she had cancer.
We at The Stone Flower heard about toby’s story and jumped into action. We and other animal lovers joined to aid in Toby’s long journey to recovery. She needed four months of chemotherapy and surgery. We tried to get her adopted by creating an ad campaign showing how cute and loving she is. After fostering her, we ended up falling in love with our new best friend.
Toby has since been spayed and is a great addition to our family. She has blossomed into a healthy sweet loving dog who loves to play and enjoys being around people. This couldn’t be possible without your help. We want to thank all of you for purchasing our ring holders and contributing to saving animals worldwide.
If you feel as strongly about helping save lives, please give to your favorite charity. We will keep donating our personal money and a portion of your purchases to help save lives. Helping at least one life does make a difference.